2016-17 Fall/Winter LEAGUES at West View Tennis Center


(click for info about the league(s) that interest you)

                                        1) Monday - Sunday: Singles Ladder League (all levels of play)                 
2) Friday 6-8 PM Advanced (4.0+) Singles/Doubles Match(es)                   

                                   3) Saturday Afternoon Bobblehead Doubles League (all levels of play)

                                              4) Sunday Afternoon High School Junior League (check back)

                       5) Intermediate singles/doubles league (time to be determined)

                                               6) Saturday 5:30 PM Intermediate or Advanced Mixed Doubles (check back) 

         7) Saturday thru Wednesday Pickleball (check back)

             8) Weeknight advanced women's doubles (check back)



What Makes West View Leagues so Attractive to Join?

1) Leagues are set up so that there is something for everyone - singles, doubles, all levels of play, etc.

       2) No obligation or commitment - availability is only checked on a week to week basis 

3) players can jump into and out of leagues as they wish ... even if it's the final week of the league

4) best of all, West View sets up the day and time for league matches, and makes sure there is a court reserved!!




West View Tennis Center
"It's All About the People"

518 Fairmont Road
Morgantown, WV 26501
